Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Treasuring Marriage

I would never imagine taking a vacation during this busy season of our life. But, God has blessed me so much. My wonderful husband asked me, “If I can use our frequent flier miles to pay for a plane ticket, hotel (with a continental breakfast), and rental car, plus arrange for my parents watch Lillian, will you take a vacation with me?” YES!!!!

So, I am thrilled to share a few pictures from our week in San Francisco. In the middle of an adoption process, as a co-owner of a construction company, as a student and full-time mommy … we still managed to take a vacation together – no toddler! It was a delight to spend time walking the hills hand-in-hand, admire ice-skaters in Union Square, tour Alcatraz, squeeze onto a old-school trolley, stroll through the park, ride bikes across the Golden Gate Bridge, and linger during meals. Not to mention having time to read two books - not related to school!

It was a huge reminder that my marriage comes before my role of Mom. I desperately missed Lillian at times, but appreciated the adult time with Christopher even more. This was a valuable lesson to experience before we become parents of two precious kidos. After all, the best gift I have to offer our next child is a loving home with parents who model the importance and sacredness of marriage. Including, leaving our kids with trusted family to get a little alone time together ;)
A special thank-you to Opa, Oma, and Auntie Tam for taking such good care of Lillian. Our vacation would not be possible without your support.

Another special thank-you to Grandpa and Nanny for watching Lillian so we can have date nights and stay in Bible study!

We really are blessed by the support of our family!


1 comment:

  1. That is awesome. How sweet of Chris! How lucky we are to have such great men in our lives. Miss you, by the way!
